Sozo Ministry of Washington DC


...helping people find wholeness
        through inner healing prayer


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Sozo Overview

Sozo Mininstry Sozo Session

What is Sozo?

SOZO is the Greek word translated:
1. to save; to heal, to deliver
2. to save a suffering one, to make well, heal,
to deliver from penalties of the Messianic judgment

Sozo encompasses the whole person… spirit, soul and body.

Sozo is Salvation
“If you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead you shall be saved (sozo).” Romans 10:9

Sozo is Healing
“But Jesus turning and seeing her said ‘Daughter take courage your faith has made you well (sozo) and at once the woman was made well (sozo).” Matthew 9:22

Sozo is Deliverance
“And those who had seen it reported to them how the man who was demon-possessed had been made well (sozo).” Luke 8:36

What is Sozo Ministry?

Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance prayer model whose purpose is to get to the root of issues hindering your personal connection with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

It evolved from a format used in the Argentine revivals, with additional influence from multiple inner healing and deliverance practitioners and experiences of individuals at Bethel Church in Redding, CA.

When you encounter Father, Son and Holy Spirit, you are brought into greater truth and are released from the impact of wounds and lies that hinder you from walking in the destiny to which you are called.
    • Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit-led and effective
    • Sozo is done in a gentle and honoring manner
    • Sozo finds issues in minutes instead of years

As the ministry team follows Holy Spirit, wounds are healed, strongholds are broken, truth is revealed, and “doors” are closed.

What is a Sozo Session?

Each time of ministry using Sozo tools may be called a session.  Sozo ministry is typically offered by a two person team of trained volunteers in one or more sessions.  The team may be a mix of men and women. 

A Sozo session lasts 1½ to 3 hours and is conducted in a friendly, relaxed, and confidential atmosphere. It usually includes these elements:
    • A brief interview process
    • A prayerful use of tools as well as confession, repentance
       and forgiveness to find a and remove the roots of emotional pain
    • Prayers to receive God’s truth and blessing.

The various effects of wounding and sin are addressed without blame or shame. The focus is on interactions with Father God, Jesus and Holy Spirit that bring restoration to spirit, soul and body.

Sometimes physical healing occurs when inner healing has been manifested (see 3 John 1:1-3).

Once you have been sozoed, you can continue to use the tools on your own to maintain your freedom and increase in intimacy with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit.

For FAQ's and informational videos about Sozo ministry, visit our regional web site: .



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